
In My View - Marcus Fysh MP - Our Economy

I hope everyone is staying safe and well during this very cold spell we are enduring. The forecasts I have seen say things should pick up at the weekend but do allow extra time for journeys and check up on friends and neighbours if you can.

In My View - Marcus Fysh MP - Working on Local Issues

We rarely get proper snow in Westminster but it has certainly been cold enough this week. I hope everyone stays well and things brighten up soon. Cold Winter Payments to help with costs may be available for those most in need – details are available on the Government website.

The Sir David Amess Fund

Find out about our tribute to our beloved colleague and friend, Sir David Amess.

In my View - Marcus Fysh MP - A Thoughtful Approach to Migration

The run up to Christmas is always a busy time in Westminster and this has been more so than usual. I think though that a lot of mainstream media continue to focus on personalities and potential divisions rather than what actually matters to people and their families.